03/04/29, 09:45am
Sunday morning Bible Classes for all ages
03/04/29, 10:45am
This is a time of worship and praise to God, a time for communion with our Lord to remember His death through the bread and fruit of the vine, and a sermon from the Bible
03/04/29, 06:00pm
03/07/29, 07:00pm
Bible classes are offered for all ages to study God's word.
03/11/29, 09:45am
Sunday morning Bible Classes for all ages
03/11/29, 10:45am
This is a time of worship and praise to God, a time for communion with our Lord to remember His death through the bread and fruit of the vine, and a sermon from the Bible
03/11/29, 06:00pm
03/14/29, 07:00pm
Bible classes are offered for all ages to study God's word.
03/18/29, 09:45am
Sunday morning Bible Classes for all ages
03/18/29, 10:45am
This is a time of worship and praise to God, a time for communion with our Lord to remember His death through the bread and fruit of the vine, and a sermon from the Bible
03/18/29, 06:00pm
03/21/29, 07:00pm
Bible classes are offered for all ages to study God's word.
03/25/29, 09:45am
Sunday morning Bible Classes for all ages
03/25/29, 10:45am
This is a time of worship and praise to God, a time for communion with our Lord to remember His death through the bread and fruit of the vine, and a sermon from the Bible
03/25/29, 06:00pm
03/28/29, 07:00pm
Bible classes are offered for all ages to study God's word.